Purpose: Since 1985, the Volunteer Program Fund has been in place to provide financial support to the school and to assist the school with services through parental involvement. All funds raised help to keep the tuition as low as possible. The services which parents perform for the school cannot be underestimated. The school needs and thrives on parental involvement.
Payment: $200.00 payment is required of every family upon entrance to the school. Payment may be made in two installments of $100 each. No family is exempt. Payment is rolled over to the next year if volunteer service is completed.
The $200 is forfeited if volunteer hours are not completed during the year and another $200 is due for the next year. The $200 is refunded when a family leaves the school if volunteer service has been completed for the year. A letter requesting your $200.00 needs to be submitted to the school office upon leaving the school.
Service Required: Either parent or family member over 18 may do service.
Two parent families – 40 hours
Single parent families – 20 hours (Single parents who remarry become two parent families)
Re-enrollment 2025 and 2025/2026 Admissions (Volunteer Fund Fee Update)Home & School Association– Each family is encouraged to join, as this is the major fund raising organization for the school and an opportunity to meet school families. There are many functions during the year, which will allow opportunities to obtain credit hours. Board members are given 40 hours at the close of the year after completion of duties.
Lunch Duty– Parents are asked to supervise and help students during any one of our two lunch times 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Many parents are needed to help open milk cartons, assist children with their lunches, maintain reasonable order, and clean each day. Volunteers are to report to Finn Hall. Two (2) hours of credit will be given for each clock hour worked.
Parent Ambassadors– Each grade level has a parent assigned as a Parent Ambassador. The ambassador is available to answer any question that may arise pertaining to the school community, school uniform, or general questions regarding grade levels, clubs, Home & School etc... The role as an Ambassador is to help new familes make the transition to school at Holy Name as seamless as possible. Please reach out to your grade level ambassador anytime throughout the school year. (Twenty volunteer hours are given to each parent after serving as an ambassador for the school year).
Bernardines– This is a parish organization of women. They have many functions that support the parish and provide great social opportunities. Ten volunteer hours are given for chaperoning a Jr. High dance.
Resource – Aid teachers in the class. Contact your child’s teacher at the beginning of each school year.
Baked Goods for Special Events, such as the Craft Fair will receive one volunteer hour per dessert. This excludes classroom parties.
Paper – The school is in need of clean, neat, stacked, usable paper. One credit hour will be given for each brand new package of unopened 20lb paper for the copy machine. Please no computer paper.
Prayer Garden – If any parent or groups of parents would like to maintain the Prayer Garden during the summer and school year, two hours will be given for every clock hour worked.
Field Trips – Ten hours will be given for each field trip. For safety reasons, younger siblings may not participate.
Special Categories– If any family has expertise, which they feel would benefit the school, please contact Mr. Chisholm or Mrs. Buckley.
Parish Activities– If any person actively participates in the Baptismal Preparation Ministry, CCD teacher, Adult Choir, etc., volunteer hours will be given only with the approval from Father Evans.
Record Keeping– Please keep track of your hours. When signing in for any event, please write your child’s name and room number next to yours, especially if names are different.
Any parent who is directly involved in any activity with our students must have a cleared current year C.O.R.I. and have completed the Virtus training process. Volunteer hours will not be given unless you have completed the C.O.R.I. and Virtus process.
Reminder: All volunteer hours for a given school year must be completed by June 1.