Besides offering a solid educational program, the faculty of Holy Name Parish School tries to afford every child the opportunity to participate in some extracurricular aspect of school life. In doing so, we believe that the student will be an active participant in the development of Holy Name Parish School. The student will come to a greater respect for the church, school, faculty and self, and experience a situation whereby he/she can develop towards maturity.
Enrichment Programs
Several cultural, musical, educational, and value-based programs are presented during the school year to enhance learning. The following are programs sponsored by Holy Name in past years:
Student Government
This program is designed to give our students an active voice in the development of our school. The basic tenet of this organization is an opportunity to develop responsibility and leadership.
Liturgical Ministries
Children are invited to participate in one of the parish liturgical ministries:
ALTAR SERVERS: At the end of fourth grade, boys and girls are given the opportunity to function as Altar Servers in the celebration of the Mass. Responsibility and dedication are the key characteristics of candidates for this select body.
CHOIR: All students in Gr. 3-6 are encouraged to join the school choir. Practices are held weekly before Sunday Family Mass. The school choir sings at the 9:00 a.m. Family Mass on designated Sundays of the month.
LECTORS: Any student in Gr. 5 and 6, interested in becoming a Lector for the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Family Mass should contact Maureen Connell, Pastoral Associate, at 978-377-1803 x 1803 for information.
Holy Name students in Grades 1-6 may join the Holy Name Parish School Co-ed Basketball Team. A volunteer parent coordinates this athletic program for our girls and boys. Parent volunteers are needed to assist the coaches, referee, and help with the concession stand. Students will have the opportunity to compete against other school in co-ed basketball parochial league.
Project Pantry Day
Each Tuesday of every month students bring in canned goods for the local food pantries. Please support those in need!
The Paul Effman Music Program offers instrument instruction and participation in our school band. The band program is open to students in grades 3-6.
After school dance program offers Ballet and Creative Movement.
Chess Club
Chess lessons, tournaments and fun team activities.
Teaching mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
Rose Debate Club
Teaching public speaking and debate.