Holy Name Parish School’s physical education program encourages the development of the social, physical, aesthetic, ethical, and emotional needs of its' students. Students engage in a variety of age appropriate games and activities to reinforce aspects of development in a positive and fun environment. Movement concepts, game strategies, responsible conduct and sportsmanship focus on individual growth and versatility.
Holy Name Parish School’s music program emphasizes the overall development of its students’ love of music. Students gain confidence in skills and performing by being exposed to a variety of teaching methods that are grade-level appropriate. Oral, written, and group work; partner practices; instrumental rehearsals; group and solo performances; frequent small group rehearsals; and composing are included in the program. Group games and dancing develop rhythmic and physical coordination. Students are taught comparison and description of historical and ethnic musical styles. The children transition from grade level to grade level beginning with simple percussion instruments and progressing to recorders and glockenspiels. Vocal technique is constantly developed through the grades.
In the Art Room the goal is to assist students in becoming independent decision makers with superior problem solving capabilities. We focus on developing the fine motor skills of each student, as well as develop their cognitive thinking skills. The students work in a variety of mediums ranging from drawing, painting, sculpture, crafts and mixed media, so that they possess a myriad of artistic experiences. The curriculum in the Art room is both multicultural and multidisciplinary, so that what is learned in the Art Room can be applied in other areas of the students’ life and academic studies. The curriculum is designed to possess a context outside of the Art Room, so that again, students can see how and why Art has a place in every person’s daily life. It is the goal of the Art program to create a community of art appreciation.
The computer program at Holy Name Parish School demonstrates consideration for the appropriate intellectual, social, physical aesthetic, emotional, and ethical development of students in multiple ways. The program is designed to prepare students to effectively and ethically integrate technology as a learning resource in school and in their lives. The curriculum implementation philosophy is to continuously reinforce technological skills, thus building transferable aptitudes. The program also presents the Church’s Internet social teachings thus developing responsible digital citizens. Children are instructed to respect others, themselves, and the equipment at all times, reinforcing the Church’s teachings of core values.
The curriculum in the Early Childhood Program uses technology to enhance core curriculum areas including phonics, literacy, math, religion, and social-emotional learning.
Our STEM program is an Inquiry based hands-on curriculum to overcome challenges presented using principles of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.