Dear Lord,
Thank you for everything Holy Name has given me. Throughout my time here, I have learned skills that help me as I graduate and beyond. I have made friends that will last a lifetime. The teachers here, have equipped me with smart and helpful lessons. The staff here are full of kindness and love for the students. We have strong programs that will help us with our learning. Our staff here ensures that our students are kind to one another through our S.O.A.R. program. Now as we come together as a school, we thank you Lord for all Holy Name has given us.
Grace - Class of 2024
An exceptional education in a loving, kind community is an extraordinary gift, the greatest gift we can offer our children. Today, our 7th grader is thriving in his new school. He was prepared. He was confident. He was ready for the next stop on his lifelong journey. All because of his Holy Name experience.
Sylvia Chiang-Raposo and Joseph Raposo
Parents of Joseph ('22)
As we move on in life, we’ll find that not every school makes a strong effort to teach their students about kindness and love. We are lucky to attend such a nice school with a friendly community.
Gr. 6 student
The purpose of this testimonial is to express our gratitude and continued support to Holy Name Parish School.
Our son Luke began his journey at Holy Name as a shy and quiet pre-k student. Relationships soon developed between him and his fellow classmates as well as stong bonds with the terrific teachers and staff.
We believe that because of the safe and secure environment and strong leadership, Luke became more confident and comfortable. Participation in many of the extra-curricular activities followed, such as: Student Council, Speech and Debate, band and Extended Day.
Due to COVID-19, the 2020-2021 schoolyear proved to be very challenging, yet Holy Name remained open, allowing our students to grow and achieve academically.
We will end with saying, the best decision we have made for our child is sending him to Holy Name Parish School and we hope we will be saying the same of Luke's new school, Roxbury Latin.
Patrick, Sheila, and Luke Kern (Class of 2022)
I had great teachers who helped me to become a better student and person. They helped me to understand any problems that I had with a lesson.
Gr. 6 student
As a member of the founding kindergarten class at Holy Name Parish School, I was excited to have my daughter start school at the Early Childhood Center this year. The faculty and staff have been warm, competent and approachable. I am also very impressed with the structure of the curriculum and blend of daily activities. My daughter comes home each day with a smile on her face, singing new songs she has learned and telling us about her day. We could not ask for a better community than Holy Name!
Laura (’96) and Nick Andrade, parents
Holy Name is special, that's for sure:
It's knowledge, and kindness, and so much more;
It teaches you to learn, to cooperate, and achieve,
And as a Catholic school, it helps you believe.
Katarina, Class of 2023
When I look back on my childhood, some of my fondest memories are from my years at Holy Name Parish School. I loved being a student there. The teachers were always so kind and taught me in a way that I loved to learn. I believe my experience at Holy Name is what made me pursue Elementary Education in college. When I had my own children, I wanted Holy Name as their school as well. While I am very impressed with what they are learning academically, I am equally impressed with what they are learning socially as well. They are learning values and the importance of being good people. As a mom, there is no better feeling. Holy Name Parish, the parents, staff and children have become like an extended family. There is such a strong sense of community there. My husband and I are so thrilled that our children are at Holy Name.
Gina (’89) and Bob Todd, parents
When you walk in the door what you see is breathtaking,
It's amazing to see these young students in the making.
Audrey, Grade 5
Thirty-seven years ago, I sent my oldest daughter to Holy Name Parish School and this year, my youngest grandchild began Nursery school at the Early Childhood Center. As a mom and a nana, I feel so proud that all the children in my family are attending Holy Name Parish School. At Holy Name, the teachers and administration know parents and students on a first-name basis. The school offers so much more than just its strong academic program. Our oldest granddaughter is in her freshman year at college and still speaks of how much she valued her education at Holy Name. The children also learn about life values such as generosity, patience and kindness. My husband and I do drop-off and pick-up, and the children look so forward to school. At pick-up, they are excitedly telling us all about their school day. They all enjoy the extra-curricular activities Holy Name offers. They are making many new friends and thriving in their education. I truly believe as a mom and grandmother that Holy Name has made our children and grandchildren into the wonderful adults and young adults they are today.
Betty and Jack Dever, grandparents
Holy Name is better than the rest,
Ask anyone here and they'll say it's the best.
Holy Name Parish School was founded in1953,
And it's still in great shape if you came by to see!
Our school shows safety, ownership, actions, and respect,
It's a great school for me, I don't have to double check.
A great education is what you would expect,
It's not only good, or great, but it's perfect!
Mackenzie, Class of 2023
When we first began researching school options for our then-3-year-old daughter, Holy Name Parish School clearly rose to the top of the list. As members of the parish we were familiar with the existence of the school, but our first visit during an open house made us realize what a warm sense of community is established with the students. We loved the school and never looked back, enrolling our second daughter in Nursery and planning to enroll our third next year. Our children thrive at the school, never dread going in the mornings, and come home full of stories of the wonderful adventures they had and valuable lessons learned. The teachers challenge our children to be academically strong, to grow their curiosity, develop social skills and grow in their understanding of the Catholic faith. The school teachers strive to be on top of the curve, introducing our children to technology as a teaching tool but also maintaining a strong focus on the fundamentals of education. As transplants to Boston without any family in the area, the Holy Name parish and school has become our family, with our children having a sense of feeling part of something special.
Ansu and Craig Noronha, parents
When I arrive to this school my face fills with joy,
I walk into the school that is best for every girl and boy.
The classrooms are filled with interest and glee,
From every class - social studies, math or P.E.
Everyday I look forward to the best time ever,
Failing to recall this school; I shall never.
For all of these motives I announce with no shame.
There is no school like my school - Holy Name.
Quinn, Class of 2023
Attending Holy Name was a real privlege. I thank my late parents for making the decision - and financial sacrifice - to have sent me there, beginning in the First Grade. The Sisters of St. Joseph as well as the lay teachers and staff were instrumental in providing me with the fundamentals of learning that enabled me to be successful in high school, college, and professional life. I have fond memories of my time at Holy Name and wish everone at the school continued success and God's blessings.
Francis Creedon, graduating class of 1969
Catholic education is an investment worth making!
My parents had the foresight to send my three brothers and I to a Catholic school to begin our education. When my husband and I were blessed with four daughters, there was no question that we would continue the "tradition" and enroll them. We recently retired and relocated to Boston to help with our grandchildren, the third generation, who are attending Holy Name Parish School.When you select a school for your children you hope for a well-rounded experience. You want them to excel in their schoolwork, make friends and participate in extracurricular activities and most of all strengthen their faith. The foundation that carries them into their adult lives will be shaped by the dedicated priests, nuns, administrators, teachers and staff. So why not select the best? Holy Name exceeds all expectations. Our grandchildren are challenged everyday and we are very proud of what they are accomplishing academically and also the way they are growing spiritually.
Deborah and Martin Linendoll, grandparents