Nursery Program (K0)
Our Nursery program is offered for 2.9 year-olds. This is a full day program.
5 Day Program: $12,275
Pre-Kindergarten (K1)
Our PreK program is offered for 4-year-olds and is a full day program
5 Day Program: $12,275
Kindergarten (K2)
Our Kindergarten program is offered for 5-year-olds and is a full-day program.
Kindergarten Full Day: $10,300
GRADES One - Six
Tuition for Grades 1-6: $9,200
This year we added a sibling discount of $1,000. That is, $1,000 for each additional sibling. This applies to all grades K to 6.
Financial Aid
Each year we have some funding available to be distributed to our returning families. All families receiving financial aid must apply each year through FACTS Grant & Aid to be considered. Based upon your application responses, FACTS will calculate a financial need. In order to be considered for assistance, all applications must be complete along with required documents and verified by FACTS and all applicants must exhibit a financial need. All applications must be submitted by May 1st for consideration of financial aid for the following school year. Families will be notified of their funding status by June 30th.
In order to apply for financial assistance, families of enrolled students in Kindergarten - Grade 6 may visit https://factsmgt.com, click on the down arrow at Parents Log In across the top, select FACTS Family Portal (Parents Web). Enter the District Code HNPS-MA, your username and password, click on Parent, then Login. Once in the Portal, select Financial from the left hand side column, then select Apply for Grant & Aid. Please note there is a FACTS fee associated with the financial aid application.
Contact our tuition coordinator (617) 325-9338 ext. 107 for additional help.
FACTS Management is our tuitions management company as well as our student information system. All families must enroll in FACTS to pay tuition including those families that pay in full. In order to set-up a payment plan, please visit the Family Portal. Click on the down arrow at Parents Log In across the top, then select FACTS Family Portal (Parents Web), click on Create New Family Portal, enter the District Code, HNPS-MA, then your email address, then click on Create Account. You will receive an email to set-up your Family Portal by going to https://factsmgt.com, clicking on the down arrow at Parents Log In across the top, then selecting FACTS Family Portal (Parents Web). Enter the District Code HNPS-MA, the username and password you just created, click on Parent, then Login. Once in the Portal, select Financial from the left hand side column, then select Set Up a Payment Plan.
Tuition accounts are expected to be current for students to begin class in September and to return from Christmas vacation.
All families are re-enrolled automatically each year unless a written notice is sent to Mrs. Debra Buckley.